Our Philosophy and Model of Care

The care and support programme at Liberty House, will be underpinned by the Trauma Recovery Model. This model concentrates on six key areas of identified need and support. These are as follows:

  • Instability/Chaotic
  • Relationship Building/Trust
  • Working through Trauma
  • Insight and Awareness
  • Future Planning; and
  • Confidence (including moving on)

Staff and young people will use this approach to consider and agree goals, targets and actions. Prior to admission, therefore, a personal plan will be prepared that sets out (amongst other things);

  • How the young person’s care and support needs will be met on a daily basis
  • How the young person will be supported to achieve their personal outcomes
  • What risks have been identified in respect of the young person and how these will be addressed; and
  • How positive risk taking and independence will be supported and ensured

Goals, targets and actions will then be identified, agreed and an action plan developed, with monthly reviews (tied into service user plan reviews).